Taiki Kudō, a 7th grade boy, heard a mysterious melody and followed it to an alley where a mysterious, legendary Digivice called the Xros Loader appeared in front of him. Accompanied by his friends, Akari Hinomoto and Zenjirō Tsurugi, they were dragged into the Digital World. They soon realized that the Digital World was a place inhabited by living creatures named Digimon and is now slowly being taken over by an evil empire named the Bagra Army. Now, Taiki and his "Xros Heart" team become an important figure to free the world from the Bagra Army, led by their Emperor Bagramon.
When the Digital World was separated into 108 Zones with an element named "Code Crown" placed in each Zone, it invites few parties to collect the Code Crown to claim each Zone, to achieve the goal into uniting and taking over the Digital World. Feeling the strong responsibility to save the world, Taiki forms his own group named Xros Heart, which is considered a strong threat to the Bagra Army, and battles along with some other parties including another human boy, Kiriha Aonuma, and his Blue Flare group. Also a human girl, Nene Amano, with her team Twilight.
However, Nene is later revealed to be a figurehead for Twilight's true leader DarkKnightmon, who blackmailed her into aiding him. But when he attempts to dispose of her once she outlived her usefulness, Nene joins Xros Heart. Later on, Xros Heart learns that the Code Crowns have the power to make the wishes of those who reunite them come true, but Bagramon manages to take them all while Taiki, Akari, and Zenjirō are sent back to the human world along with Shoutmon and Tactimon. With Xros Heart's core members disposed of, Bagramon reveals DarkKnightmon to be his younger brother as they begin their reign over the Digital World.
Ending up in their hometown of Kyoto, the human Xros Heart members and Shoutmon meet Omnimon, a DigiMemory-sealed Digimon who gave Taiki his red Xros Loader. However, a giant Tactimon appears causing havoc, but thanks to the courage of Akari and friendship of Zenjirō, Shoutmon is able to digivolve to OmegaShoutmon and destroys Tactimon for good. Then, Omnimon use his remaining energy to send Taiki and Shoutmon back to the Digital World while Akari and Zenjirō wait for their chance to return the Digital World to assisTaiki Kudō, a 7th grade boy, heard a mysterious melody and followed
it to an alley where a mysterious, legendary Digivice called the Xros
Loader appeared in front of him. Accompanied by his friends, Akari
Hinomoto and Zenjirō Tsurugi, they were dragged into the Digital World.
They soon realized that the Digital World was a place inhabited by
living creatures named Digimon and is now slowly being taken over by an
evil empire named the Bagra Army. Now, Taiki and his "Xros Heart" team
become an important figure to free the world from the Bagra Army, led by
their Emperor Bagramon.
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- Episode 01
- Episode 02
- Episode 03
- Episode 04
- Episode 05
- Episode 06
- Episode 07
- Episode 08
- Episode 09
- Episode 10-11
- Episode 12
- Episode 13
- Episode 14
- Episode 15
- Episode 16
- Episode 17
- Episode 18
- Episode 19
- Episode 20
- Episode 21
- Episode 22
- Episode 23
- Episdoe 24
- Episode 25
- Episode 26
- Episode 27
- Episode 28
- Episode 29
- Episode 30
- Episode 31
- Episode 32
- Episode 33
- Episode 34
- Episode 35
- Episode 36
- Episode 37
- Episode 38
- Episode 39
- Episode 40
- Episode 41
- Episode 42
- Episode 43
- Episode 44
- Episode 45
- Episode 46
- Episode 47
- Episode 48
- Episode 49
- Episode 50
- Episode 51
- Episode 52
- Episode 53
- Episode 54